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CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It allows the consumer to have a direct relationship with us, the farmers! Before the season begins, those interested in fresh produce buy a "share" of the farm. The farm then provides share members with a basket of seasonal produce each week throughout the growing season. The CSA model has become a great way for people to buy the freshest, most local food directly from a farmer.

What to expect if you join Darlin' Corey Farm 2018 CSA:


~20 weeks of produce, running June through October~ weekly baskets of the freshest produce grown from the farm. 

~Baskets will include what is in season at the time for an ever-changing and exciting new surprise every week. We will have a variety of greens, kohlrabi, beets, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, cabbage, collards, radishes, head lettuce, garlic, potatoes, etc. 

~Culinary herbs including basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, sage, lavender, mint.

~Mushrooms, both grown on the farm and wild foraged (shiitake, oyster, nameko, winecaps, lions mane, reishi, chicken of the woods, chanterelles.)

~Occasionally we include wild foraged foods in your basket. These can include greens, berries, fruits and mushrooms. We sustainably harvest these foods and like to share our knowledge about wild food with everyone!

~We have a small flock of chickens so eggs will be available sometimes at first come basis.

~ CSA share pick-ups will be located at the farm. This is a change from last year. Pickups will open on Saturdays 9-5 and Sundays 9-5. 

~Full share baskets feed about a family of four (7-8 different products per basket). Full share baskets round out to be around $20 produce weekly. Half share baskets will include 3-4 different items each week.  

~ As a CSA member, you will be offered workshops that we will host, on topics ranging from food preservation, cultivation, fermentation, medicinal herb/ culinary preparations, and many other fun and interactive opportunities.

Like us on Facebook or check out our website for upcoming news and information about the farm. 

CSA share price is $400 full and $200 half share for the season. 

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